Home: West Newbury, Massachusetts
Amy Friend is a former museum curator turned designer. She designs modern quilts and specializes in foundation paper pieced designs. She authored the books Intentional Piecing, Improv Paper Piecing: A Modern Approach to Quilt Design, and Petal + Stem.
Amy runs community block swaps several times a year as well as block of the month and quilt along programs. She is an award winning quilter and her quilts have been exhibited at a number of quilt shows as well as museums. Amy is a national quilt teacher and lecturer, both on Zoom and in person.

Amy enjoys speaking to guilds about the modern quilting aesthetic and design principles like alternate gridwork and negative space.
She also teaches her own foundation paper piecing technique that considers directional fabric, the grain of the fabric, and minimizes waste.
Her most popular workshops include Improv Paper Piecing where she teaches her unique approach to modern quilt design where participants each design their own improvisational block and repeat it through paper piecing.
Another is Large Scale Intentional Piecing where fabrics are kept directional in order to harness the power of stripes or other motifs while foundation paper piecing on larger foundations.
While most of Amy’s classes are more appropriate for the intermediate to advanced quilter, she also teaches beginner paper piecing and welcomes beginners into any of her classes, spending extra time with them so they can succeed.

Visit Amy’s website: During Quiet Time
Amy’s YouTube Channel: During Quiet Time
Please contact Amy at [amybfriend] @ gmail.com (remove brackets and spaces)
Please let Amy know that you found her on The Quilters Calendar!