Beth Sullivan of Beth Sullivan Designs lives in Bellingham, MA with her husband and three teenagers.
After making her first T-shirt quilt for herself in 2000, she started making them for friends and family. When her children were born she turned it into a part time and eventually full time business. She has now made over a thousand T-shirt and memory quilts in her career.
Beth specializes in using unique materials in memory quilts. Her motto is that if it can be washed, sewn and made to lie flat, it can usually go in the quilt. After answering hundreds of questions about T-shirt quilts from quilter friends for many years, she now lectures and teaches classes in the planning and construction of these unique quilts. Lectures and classes are available in person or virtually via Zoom.
LECTURE: Quilts to a Tee: Using T-Shirts and Unique Clothing in Quilts
This one-hour lecture for guilds and groups is designed to provide inspiration and guidance for quilters who are thinking about tackling a T-shirt or memory quilt. It is available in person or virtual via Zoom. Quilt samples and photos are used to show how quilters can expand the possibilities of the conventional T-shirt quilt to include anything that can be washed, sewn and made to lie flat. The design and construction of a variable layout quilt is discussed as well as the use of partial seams in construction of unique quilt designs. Using interesting items is a focal point of the lecture as well including the use of sweaters, jeans, ties, bibs, bathing suits, baby clothes, and many other cloth items. (Pricing: $275 ($225 if booked with a workshop)) [January 2021 pricing]
CLASS: T-Shirt Quilt Starter Workshop (3 hours, maximum of 12 students)
In this 3-hour class, students will learn how to design their own T-shirt quilt based on the unique clothing items they have. They will learn how to prep T-shirts and other clothing for use in quilting including rough cutting, fusing, and final cutting. They will design their own T-shirt quilt including their own layout plan, tackle unique items, and start on the T-shirt prep. They will not be able to sew at this class but will finish with an understanding of what they need to do when they start sewing, with the unique plan in place and a good start at block prep. This class is offered in person or virtual via Zoom.

Find out more about Beth on her website http://www.bethsullivandesigns.com/ and contact her beth @ bethsullivandesigns.com
Be sure and tell Beth that you found her on The Quilters Calendar!