Home: Ruston, Louisiana
Dianne Springer first teaching job was to teach art to talented young students. She returned to school to earn her MFA in Studio Art and developed a national following as a glass beadmaker and jewelry designer. Then she discovered quilting.
In 2007 she started a company called Dianne Springer Designs to produce and sell her quilt and applique designs and her unique quilting projects. While traveling she was encouraged to write a book. She did and has designed a line for a major fabric company and then designed fabrics for her own fabric company.
She provides lectures and demonstrations at Quilt Shows, Quilt Guilds and Quilt Shops on a broad array of topics related to fabric arts. One reason for her teaching success and excellent reviews is that she has maintained a belief that makes almost all of her students comfortable and successful. And that is, “We all start out as beginners!”

She enjoys teaching specific techniques including appliques (especially her own designs), and any of her unique short-term, quick-success projects such as her “Quilt in a Clock,” “Quilt in a Clipboard,” and “Quilt on a Chair.” The best way to see what these are, and to get a sense of some of the things she can teach and has taught is to visit her website – www.diannespringerdesigns.com
She is available for classes, lectures, talks, demonstrations and trunk shows. She and her daughter/assistant Brandy love to travel and teach at shops, guilds and quilt shows.
Be sure to tell Dianne you found her on The Quilters Calendar!