Listing here is the best advertising investment you can make in marketing yourself to quilt guilds. Hundreds of Program Chairs search this site monthly. Your Listing here gives them everything they need to book you today and over 1,600 Guild Program Chairs are subscribed to my newsletter. They are eagerly awaiting the next Directory of Quilt Teachers.

Submissions Open November 1, 2024 and close 11/15/24
Professional Quilt Teachers are hired here more than anywhere else on the internet.
Hundreds of Guild representatives use this site monthly to find and hire professional teachers. 1,500 Guild Representatives have signed up for the newsletter, and they forward them, creating three times as many opens. We have testimonials from Suzi Parron (retired), Jenny Kae Parks, Tammy Silvers, Mary Tabor, Barb Eikmeier, Irene Blanck and many, many more professional quilt teachers who have been booked through here, including this note: “Thank you! I received an inquiry within a few minutes of you posting my bio!“
There are 2 ways market yourself via here: with a profile on this website AND with an ad in the Directory of Quilt Teachers.
Your Basic Web Listing Here Includes
- A 2 paragraph Biography (aprox. 50 words)
- A photo of yourself
- A live link to your website
- A 1/4 page listing in the Directory of Quilt Teachers
This Basic Listing Price is $50.00 (2024-2025) Here’s an Example…
Your Premium Web Listing Here Includes:
- Your fuller Bio (up to 350 words which can include your 2 most popular presentations)
- A photo of yourself PLUS A photo of 1 quilt
- A live link to your website
- A live link to your YouTube Channel and an embedded YouTube Intro video
- Your email address so that guilds can contact you directly and immediately
- 1/2 page listing in the Directory of Quilt Teachers–with the OPTION to upgrade to a FULL page
Premium Listing price is $100 (2024-2025). Here’s an Example…
All prices are from date of purchase to the following August 30th. The updated Directory of Quilt Teachers sent to Guilds via Newsletter on September 1 and the following January 1 and immediately when a new subscriber signs up. Lapsed listings will be downgraded to a minimum or deleted with the assumption that the teacher is no longer available for hire.
Guild Representatives LOVE the Directory of Quilt Teachers and use it at board meetings to review potential teachers. (See examples below)
This is your very best on target permission marketing.
Teachers with a Premium Web Listing may upgrade their PDF/Book/eBook Profile to a Full Page for an additional $50 – your BEST Advertisement, which includes:
- A photo of yourself
- Aprox 250 word bio (this will be in a larger font than a Basic Listing)
- A photo of your best quilt OR a photo of a quilt AND a cover of a book
- Your website URL
- Your email address
Full Page, Half Page, and 1/4 Page Samples:

Basic Listing Sample from Directory of Quilt Teachers:

Get started today! Sign up for the newsletter, Download the Contract, then contact Rita [@]
Publishing Details
This website and all publications feature professional quilt teachers in the United States with information provided by them with no guarantees. The Directory of Quilt Teachers is a fully copyrighted publication. The inaugural edition was released in September of 2019. The updated issues are released annually on September 1 and January 1.
Before contacting us to be listed please review the Terms of Service of this website and sign up for the Professional’s Newsletter. By signing up for the newsletter you acknowledged that you’ve read the Terms of Service.
Being listed on this website and in the Directory of Quilt Teachers *requires* that you sign up for the Newsletter to Professional Teachers. You won’t be spammed, we are busy quilt teachers, too! The Newsletter to Professional Teachers is only used to send out important information.
The Terms of Service of this site is here –