Home: Castle Rock, Colorado
Cindy Brick is an editor, designer and writer who travels the world teaching about quilting and quilt history. A former editor for Quilter’s Newsletter, she is also an AQS-certified and USPAP-trained personal property appraiser who specializes in textiles. She also judges quilt competitions, with venues as varied as the international Quilt Festival, the Pacific International Quilt Festival and the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival. She has written hundreds of articles and seven books, including Hanky Panky, the Stitcher’s Language of Flowers, Quilts of the Great Depression, the Fabric Dating Kit,Crazy Quilts and Quilts from the Golden West.
Nearly all of Encyclopaedia Britannica’s quilt-related entries are her writing; she also consulted for three television specials on quilting (appeared in person on one), and was on Simply Quilts to explain her Hanky Panky quilt method. She has been on an episode of The Quilt Show to talk about Crazy quilts, and on the Quilter’s Newsletter channel to discuss Friendship Quilts.
Cindy is a frequent contributor to various magazines, and continues to write and design for her company, Brickworks. She also frequently writes for frugal living and personal finance blogs. For more on her books and products, including color photos, visit the Brickworks website at www.cindybrick.com.