Diving deeply into the digital-virtual world, you’ll find a lot on this site, including a weekly virtual presentation! https://www.sjquiltmuseum.org/
Museum Quilts
Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum
Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, a site worth exploring – https://www.rmqm.org/ and they have started a YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXotfHGeWYDYMgsmGH8OiOw
New England Quilt Museum
Inspiring exhibits, including quilts from SAQA, the Studio Arts Quilt Association. https://www.neqm.org/ The museum offers virtual exhibits https://www.neqm.org/calendarindex and has a YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU6o-kbMqK6V_G-LgZIHXwg/videos
International Quilt Museum, Nebraska
IQM has quite an offering in their “virtual experiences” selection. https://www.internationalquiltmuseum.org/ Be sure to check out their YouTube Channel as well – https://www.youtube.com/user/IQSCM
National Quilt Museum, Paducah, Kentucky
Take a walk through the Exhibits and check out their Blocks of the Month for inspiration – https://quiltmuseum.org/
Shelbourne Museum
The Shelbourne Museum offers some of their textiles collection in a slide show – https://shelburnemuseum.org/collection/textiles/
They also offer digital programs – https://shelburnemuseum.org/online-exhibitions/
Folk Art Museum Red & White Quilts
This is a good start to a themed Program on two-color quilts. Some guilds incorporate a guild show & tell of two color quilts to go along with the presentation. https://folkartmuseum.org/exhibitions/infinite-variety-three-centuries-of-red-and-white-quilts/
National Museum of American History Quilt Collection
This is a great resource of quilt images for Programs .https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/object-groups/national-quilt-collection. You can watch some videos or open each quilt and view pictures and details and read about the quilt, or if you would rather see only the videos, they are on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFB732940FBD482C0